Christian Therapy UK
Many Christians struggle with anxiety, fears and depression, made worse because they feel guilty about doing so. All too frequently, that anxiety and depression is accompanied by problems sleeping.
Christian Therapy UK specialises in solution-focused therapy for Christians by a practising Christian.
Christian Therapy UK offers:

Programmes and sessions are face-to-face in Hampton, South West London, or online over Zoom
Spiritual context
When you’re dealing with deep emotions and issues that affect your whole life, it’s helpful to do so in a context that is in keeping with your beliefs and values.
Therapy with Christian Therapy UK draws on therapeutic approaches that have been clinically proven to be effective in treating anxiety, depression and insomnia, while being open to how God directs the therapy. Sessions are based on prayerful seeking of how God might want to speak through the session.
Is this you?
Clients are very often women with positions of leadership and responsibility in the Church, who are also women in the ‘sandwich generation’ – you still have children at home and you are increasingly caring for elderly parents.
You might be a minister or vicar, or leading a church with your husband. You might have a key pastoral role in your church as a home group leader or pastoral assistant; you might be involved in youth or children’s work, outreach or leading worship. You might be on any of the innumerable rotas that keep your church running. Maybe you’re serving in all of these ways and more.
You’re so busy serving and caring for others that you have neglected looking after yourself. As so often happens, the stress you’re under is showing up as anxiety, depression and problems sleeping.
If that’s you, the good news is that there are solutions and ways to a happier and more peaceful life.
Free 30-minute phone/Zoom consultation
To find out more, click here to contact Anne Williams by phone or email to book a free, no-obligation 30 minute phone or Zoom consultation.
1. Anthony Delanoix, Unsplash
2. Aaron Burden, Pexels
3. Raquel Raclette, Unsplash
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